Pyjama Day

Hi Blogging Beauties,
Today I have decided to give myself a “pyjama day”.  This means not leaving the house all day and just staying home and doing what I want.  Well, the first week of school holidays is almost over and it has been a very busy week.  I have been into town every day visiting my sick Grandparents and doing jobs here and there and catching up with relatives.
This morning when I woke up and looked out the window there was a big frost and a thick fog.  It was very chilly.  So I went outside for some wood for the fire and to let Ellie have a run and let the chickies out to have a peck.  They havent laid me an egg in a few days I think they might have a new hiding spot for their eggs…hope I find it soon before the eggs get too old!!
So the fire is going now and Honey is curled up on the rug having a snooze and I am still in my pyjamas working away at the computer.  I wanted to share this little set of cards I made a few days ago.  I was inspired by some gorgeous cards in the Australian Cardmaking, Stamping and Papercraft Magazine by talented Aussie Cards for Sale designer Fran Tynan.
Seeing that many of the girls that design for Aussie Cards for Sale regularly have publications in this magazine I decided to subscribe, so Ben got me a subscription for my birthday in April.  I must say I love getting the magazine and have even submitted a few cards myself…will let you know when they are published!
Below is a picture of Fran’s beautiful cards that inspired me.
And here are my attempts.
What appealed to me about them is their unique circular shape and simple design.
I wanted them to have a few cards on hand to send off to some friends.
Because even though I have my own card shop and hundreds of cards of other peoples in my house I am behind on my own birthday list.  Isnt that shocking!!  
My aim was to get a few little cards in my stash.
Because it is a Pyjama day today I would like to link up my cards to Michelle’s Make it Monday party I havent linked up any cards to anything for ages and ages and ages.
Michelle is another talented Aussie Cards for Sale designer.
Have you popped over to Aussie Cards for Sale lately? I am busy loading up another 50 or so gorgeous cards today.  There are so many lovely cards on there at the moment.  I get so much inspiration from seeing them all.  There are some cards on sale for $4 leftover from our EOFY Sale.
And for every card purchased our online customers receive an entry in our delicious July candy.
I get many emails from card-makers who would like to be a designer at Aussie Cards for Sale because they would like to sell their cards online and I am considering running a Guest Designer link-up party on my blog.  
Please leave a comment on this post if you are interested or have some ideas.
Well, time to end this long post today!
I hope you have a lovely day…wherever you are in the world.
Alicia xx

11 thoughts on “Pyjama Day”

  1. Pajama day sounds perfect – it is completely miserable here and I overslept this morning. We aren't on hols til next week and I woke up just before 9! henry was already up and managed to get him to school by 9:15 and we weren't the last ones in – that sort of day..

    Great crds, love the circular cards – wonderful. xx

  2. You have created beautiful cards Alicia…and I can see why Frans cards inspired you they are as pretty. I hope your Pyjama day is going well. I might give myself one of those next week when the kids are back to school.

  3. Hello Alicia,
    These little cards that you have made are beautiful, I love the shape and design.
    I am so glad that you found the video helpful. Hugs rach xxxx

  4. These are really sweet. My summer is nearing an end. 🙁 Will be back to work in about 10 days. Do not know where the time went. Now I am getting busty on some cards for July and August ( A ton of birthdays and anniversaries.) Stay warm (that sounds odd…because everyone here is trying to stay cool!) Hugs…

  5. A pyjama day sounds wonderful! I hope you enjoy your day.

    The round cards you created are beautiful. I love all the flowers and embellishments you used.

    Have a fabulous week end!

  6. Hi Sweetie Sounds like you had a great 'pyjamma day'. I just LOVE those days!!! I hope you find some eggs soon.LOL That made me chuckle.
    Your cards are beautiful thank you for sharing.
    Hugs Bonnie

  7. Gorgeous card Alicia, love the beautiful flowers on each of them.

    Thanks for sharing your creation with Make It Monday.
    Don't forget……… if you leave a comment on another entry, mention that you saw their card on "Make It Monday" for a chance at second prize. The more entries you comment on the more chance you have of winning second prize.

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