Male 60th ~ Bus Theme and My Little Vegie Patch

Goodmorning Blogging Buddies,
Last markets we had the gorgeous butterfly 40th card (below) made by the talented Aussie Cards for Sale designer Fran Ashton on display.  As well as a few more lovely cards made by Fran with different numbers such as 30, 50 and 60.
The customers loved them and one requested a special order: a Bus 60th.  So I did my best and came up with the above card.  I followed Fran’s design quite closely and made it as masculine as I could (boring, I know).  I posted the card off to the customer and I havent heard how it went, but I hope they liked it : )

Also, I wanted to show you my Mini Vegie Garden.
We bought a big tank garden thingy from Bunnings to plant some vegies.
But we havent got around to filling it up with dirt yet.
In the meantime I thought I would plant some seeds and grow them on my windowsill.
I doubt anything would grow outside at the moment it is so cold here.
In the two white pots I am growing brussel sprouts, in the middle container it is broccoli and in the container on the right are carrots.  This is my first time ever at growing vegies so I am pretty excited about it.  I water my little babies every day as they get quite dry sitting behind the glass.  It is kind of like a mini greenhouse I guess.
Thats about it from me today.  
I hope to post some new candy very soon so stay tuned.
Alicia xx

3 thoughts on “Male 60th ~ Bus Theme and My Little Vegie Patch”

  1. Great number cards. Our garden is so BIG it is going to get ahead of us soon. Things are beginning to ripen all at once. Nothing tastes like home grown veggies.

  2. Wonderful 60th birthday card for a male, I'm sure she was thrilled… oh your veges are taking off… I'm growing snow peas, spinach and a few herb and a few herbs.. first time for me too!

  3. Hi Alicia….what great looking seedlings….I hope they all do well. I never grown broccoli before. My garden is pretty boring this year…loads of corn, lettuce, parsley and pineapple. 🙂 Your bus card is terrific and perfect for a male.

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