Baby Bump Photo

Hi Blogging Beauties,
I finally got around to getting a Baby Bump photo this weekend for those of you who are interested.  This is me at 20 weeks.
We have chosen not to find out what sex the baby is.
I really wanted it to be a surprise…but my “gut feeling” is a boy.
Time will tell no doubt!
I hope to be back tomorrow with some card pics.
I have been making cards like crazy these last few days trying to catch up.
I’m off to work on the wedding invites I am making for a cousin…
Wish me luck!!
Alicia xx

13 thoughts on “Baby Bump Photo”

  1. You look beautiful Alicia!! I love that you're not finding out the baby's sex. I loved picking two names and finding out when he/she arrives. Although be prepared because people will not believe that you haven't found out the sex – and apparently you can say anything to a prenent lady..

    glad it is all going well. xx

  2. That is a cute baby bump Alicia….you are looking very well, I hope you are feeling well. At least finding out the sex of the baby you will be more organised and can shorten the list of name choices by half. 🙂 Take care.

  3. What a beautiful picture of you, Alicia!! Congratulations!! Your furry family is going to love a new addition!!
    Keep the pictures coming!!!

  4. You and your bump are so cute!! I think it's waaay more exciting not knowing what you're having!! We didn't even find out when we had the twins. You look gorgeous mate… look forward to seeing more belly progress photos!
    btw – not sharing one of mine! Bub no.4 after twins – I already look 9 months 😀

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