Project Life App


So have you played with the new Project Life App?
I hastily downloaded it the day it became available and played with it for two hours late into the night.  It is incredible and amazing, super fast and fun!  One of the Layouts I made was this one.

A little back ground on the layout (so it makes a bit more sense to you):
Nicky is starting to really love craft…I have no idea where he gets that from lol!  As we all know, with crafting comes lots of mess.  Ben learnt about the word “Craftermath” a few weeks back and is using it regularly on little messes I leave around our crafting/computer room.  When I saw Nicky’s craftermath I had to share it with Ben.  He loved the photo.

Here is a definition from Urban Dictionary:

Craftermath: The resulting and overwhelming mess that is leftlying all about after a full day, week, or month of creative pursuits. Massive amounts of creative supplies jumbled and piled all together, all aboutones workspace, making it impossible tocontinue crafting until cleaned and possibly preventing any inspiration whatsoever.
After her much needed craft day, the resulting craftermath looked like a tornado went throughher studio.
This word makes us laugh.
Any craftermath around your crafting room today?
Alicia xx