Hello All,
Taking a little break from my usual crafty posts to share this with you today…
Does your toddler enjoy using the Ipad? Would you like to get some new games, but you are not sure which ones would be beneficial?
We have bought quite a few Apps for our Ipad over the last year for our son Nicky (2 1/2 years old) to play. The iPad is great for when we are going for a long car trip, or when we need to keep him entertained. Some of my friends have asked me to write down the ones I thought were the best. I have compiled this list of apps as a starting point for parents who might be interested in downloading some apps for their toddler. Click the title of the app to link to the app in itunes.
Some of these apps require more adult support than others. I find it helps a lot to sit down and play the game with them at first and teach them what to do. Then they develop confidence and can play more independently and you get a bit more value out of the app.
These Apps are not listed in any particular order. Some Apps are better than others, some are better value for money. Some are more educational than others. Nicky goes through phases of his favourites. Some we have downloaded we found to be not very good. They didn’t make this list. These are our Top 40 favourites at the moment. Enjoy : )
20 Apps for Free
All the lego Apps are amazing. The fact that they are free is unbelievable. Many of the Apps you might pay for are not even close to how good these Apps are. You must get at least a couple of these. When using the Duplo apps the first couple of times it helps to tell your child the story of what is happening. I just make it up to go with the pictures. After a couple of times they can easily tell it back to you. This helps their oral language development and story telling skills.
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7. Lego Juniors – Create and Cruise
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9. ABC For Kids
Videos and songs.
10 Laugh and Learn Puppy’s Player
This is another really good free app. It seems to have nearly all the Fisher Price Apps on the one app. A good baby app, but Nicky still enjoys it now as well.
One of the first apps we got. Very basic for young fingers – teaching them to touch and drag.
Awesome App! You have got to get this one. Very educational and links to Play School videos as well.
Free drawing App with lots of sparkles and colour.
Teaches kids to count. Nicky might be slightly too young for this App yet. Or maybe just not interested. I wait in hope!
15 Pre-School and Kindergarten Learning Kids Games
Very educational.
A strange game. Nicky loved it for quite awhile. Wiggles fans would enjoy it. You move the characters around and get them to do things like make pizza and have a birthday party or talk on the phone.
17. Colour, Paint, Create – Fisher Price
18. Laugh and Learn Learning Letters Puppy – Fisher Price
19. Little People – Fisher Price
20 Tiny Towers1
I personally like this game. It is educational – maths. Its also very cute. Gets their little brains working. Nicky enjoys it.
20 Apps that Cost Money
Some of these may apps may be free to begin with, but we have ended up buying the full version because the advertisements were too annoying, or their wasn’t enough entertainment on the free game to maintain interest, or Nicky just really loved the game. Other games in this category cost money to begin with.
21 Doodle Critter Maths: Numbers
Teaches numbers.
22 Doodle Critter Maths: Shapes
I bought this for Nicky to learn his shapes. Educational.
23 Shapes and Puzzles by Pirate Trio
This reminds me of “tangrams” that we did at school. Educational.
24 Build and Play 3D – Planes, Trains, Robots and More
I personally think these Apps are very cool. Nicky liked the first one so we bought the second one as well. Quite educational too – blocks and building.
25 Build and Play 3D – Rockets, Helicopters, Submarines and More
27 Bananas in Pyjamas: Bubble Time
Nicky is a big Fireman Sam fan so he loves these apps. Some adult assistance required.
29 Fireman Sam Fire and Rescue
I think this was one of the first apps we bought Nicky when he was about one year old.
31 Little Princess – I want to Play!
He loves this…she cracks me up this Princess. I love her accent.
Nicky loved the free version, but the advertisements drove me crazy! They kept taking him off to other things. We bought the full version to avoid the advertisements.
34 Peppa Pig – Happy Mrs Chicken
I think the Peppa Pig applications are not very good value for money…but that’s just me. Some of them are quite expensive. Nicky likes them.
35 Thomas and Friends Thrills and Spills
There are lots of Thomas Apps. This is the one Nicky chose. He is not a huge Thomas fan so it didn’t hold his interest for very long.
36 Mister Maker
This is pretty cool Very imaginative and arty.
37 Blocky Roads
Not very educational but quite fun. I enjoy playing this game myself.
38 Playworld – Caillou the Hero
I don’t really get this game…Nicky loved it for awhile there. Its cute, but kind of pointless.
39 Play Kids
This costs a monthly subscription. It is lots of dvds saved onto this app and I don’t think it requires the internet to play them. Nicky LOVES this.
40 Tiny Airport
Nicky loves this App and we do too. Its very cute, and there is something strangely intriguing about this relatively simple App. Its kind of like “people watching” at the airport in real life.
I hope you find this list helpful! If you do, please pin it or share it with your friends! Do you have a favourite app for your toddler? Tell me about it in the comments below.
Alicia xx