2020, it’s a New Year and a New Decade, the perfect time to set some 2020 Goals. I have a FREE PRINTABLE for you so you can process your thoughts and start this new year with Clarity and Purpose! What Crafty Goals do you want to achieve this year?
To be honest I have so many, but I have tried to narrow it down to three to keep things manageable. I created this FREE PRINTABLE so you can quickly print it out too and create some Goals that will suit you this year. You could add this sheet to your planner or hang it up in your craft room to continually remind yourself about what you want to achieve.
2020 Goals ~ Video Tutorial
Here is the Video Tutorial of me recording my Crafty Goals for 2020.
To download your Free Printable you need to know the password to my Secret Page. If you already know the password head on over here to download and print your instructions. If you are not on my email list and would like to receive this FREE PRINTABLE and all my free printables and instructions sign up below.
Over in my Facebook Group we are having a Challenge. Upload a photo of your completed Crafty Goals and you can be in the running to win Crafty Goodies!! Are you not in my Facebook Group yet? Click on over here to join.
Have a lovely, crafty day.
Alicia : )
Thank You so much for the Crafty Goal Sheet!
This so inspires me to do more, then I can do more and get better!
Thanks so much for You!
Happy New Years!!
Vicki – you can do anything!!! You and I can work together to achieve our goals this year : )